
Jude's Newborn Photos

My how time flies! I feel like it was literally two days ago that sweet Jude boy joined our family and it has already been three and a half weeks...we are pushing a month here already! He is already growing too quickly for my liking! At his two week appointment, not only did he get back to his birth weight, but he put on a whole pound in addition, not to mention a half inch! My little 6lbs 15oz boy was 7lbs 13oz and is now surely over 8 lbs. I meant to take these pictures sooner, but didn't have the will or energy on my lack of sleep/getting used to having two kiddos. Finally, today not only did I get these photos done, so I can remember my tiny boy when he is big and grown, but I also got a nap in (while holding him), wahoo! Needless to say, I am feeling pretty good :)

Now for a photo dump of my tinynewborn boy:

The 4th of July

My brother and his family came into town from Texas and my mom and Lyle came from Denver for the 4th of July weekend. They were able to meet Jude and we were able to spend time catching up on life and eating yummy food. We were so busy and I was so tired/getting sick the whole weekend that I didn't have the energy to take my camera out and take pictures. Although, I wish I had since I don't get to take pictures very often with my family (fortunately I was able to get a few photos via text from my fam). Friday we were able to go to Magleby's and try Rockwell Ice Cream in Provo. Saturday we just hung around the house and grilled burgers and went to see Finding Dory (Jude's first movie theater experience :) ).

My family had all left by the time the 4th arrived and we were able to go to spend time with Reed's parents and my brother and sister-in-law. We had a BBQ with them and watched some awesome fireworks! Their neighbor bought an exorbitant amount of fireworks and we had front row seats, as he set them off just across the street from my in-laws. The whole neighborhood seemed to come out for the show. I ended up going in with Jude halfway through and watching them from inside on the couch, so keep the noise level down for him. We both ended up falling asleep on the couch and it was a refreshing little nap with my sweet boy.

Before the big firework show in the neighborhood, Eden, who LOVES fireworks...that girl's enthusiasm for fireworks rivals that of her daddy's, was able to have loads of fun setting of some fun little fireworks with Reed. Eden loves to run through the colored smoke that the smoke bombs put off, to throw snaps and stomp on them, and to wave sparklers around. It was a wonderful and exhausting weekend! :)